Launch to Day 5 of the “Danos 2020 Challenge for Charity”
We have been inspired by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who launched Our Frontline (a helpline uniting mental health charities in the support for those working on the frontline against coronavirus).
The Danos team will be completing 20 challenges for 20 days, to raise as much money for Mind, who are one of the charities uniting for Our Frontline.
Follow our daily progress on LinkedIn and if possible please show your support for the cause by donating at –
Thank You
Find out how we did on days 6 to 10 visit, and 11 to 15 visit, and visit for day 16 to 20 (the final)
Day 5 – 20 Hours of Fancy Dress
The Danos team popped on their fancy dress outfits for 20 hours today. Do you recognise any friendly faces?

Day 4 – 2.0 Mile Run
Nine members of the Danos team completed a two-mile run today. For some it was the first run for them in many years, well done for giving it a go. Exercise is linked to improved mental health, it releases chemicals like endorphins and serotonin that improves your mood.

Day 3 – 20 Trampoline Jumps
How many jumps can you do? Our team was tasked with 20 trampoline jumps today, well done Katherine and Rebecca.

Day 2 – 20-Mike Bike Ride
Our team was tasked with a 20-mile bike ride today, our keen cyclists clocked up a total of 111.16 miles (an average of 27.79 miles each).
Well done Dominic, Denis, Charlotte, and Ed – what a fabulous effort.

Day 1 – 20 Bakes
Today, the Danos Team kick start 20 days of challenges, to raise money for Our Frontine, in partnership with Mind.
We have been busy baking over 20 treats to share with our families and neighbours.
Can you guess who baked each delight?