UK In-House Senior Legal Moves Report – October 2022 to December 2022
The Danos Group publishes the latest “UK In-House Senior Legal Moves Report – October to December 2022″. In 2022, financial services specialist headhunting firms across the recruitment industry saw an increase in exclusive and retained agreements compared to contingent searches in the previous year. Clients gravitated towards these options to get access to the best candidates and increase the chances of filling their vacancies in a highly competitive market. There was also a shift towards using a small pool of specialist recruiters instead of multiple recruiters on searches.
As we move into 2023, we have already seen a positive increase in the number of legal searches and hiring activity across the board.
This report provides a snapshot of some of the high-profile Legal moves in the banking and financial services Legal sector.
Download the UK In-House Senior Legal Moves Report – October to December 2022 Here

If you would like to discuss this report, your Legal hiring needs, or a recent track record of our work conducted, please contact Maame or Chris:
Maame Eshun, Associate Director, Head of EMEA In-House Legal, Danos Associates
+44 (0) 20 3908 4809
Chris Simmonds, Consultant, Legal, Danos Associates
+44 (0) 20 7871 5789