Danos Group Update – Our Lockdown Journey
Like every recruitment firm, lockdown has been a challenging period at the Danos Group. We are therefore exceptionally proud of our global team’s performance during the period of March to September 2020: The last quarter was the most productive in our 16-year history, and August was our most successful month ever.
We made decisive business decisions based on the unique market conditions within each of our practice and regional areas, and, as a result, we experienced a record performance across our business. We achieved this by supporting our long-standing clients, as well as assisting new clients, across multiple markets who still needed to make key hires or required interim expertise. We adapted our business methods to suit working from home, supported our clients with remote hiring and new staff onboarding, and used technology to bring the community together through our inspirational webinar events.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Danos team and our clients old and new, for their continued and ongoing support during these challenging times.
The Danos Team