Pathway To Success Interview with Daniel Tannebaum, Partner – Americas AFC Practice Leader & Global Head of Sanctions at Oliver Wyman
In this month’s podcast / video in our “Pathway To Success” series, Dominic Danos (CEO, Danos Group) interviews Daniel Tannebaum, Partner – Americas Anti-Financial Crime Practice Leader & Global Head of Sanctions, at OliverWyman.
Daniel is a highly experienced financial crime professional, with nearly 20 years in the industry. He is a highly sought-after speaker on financial crimes issues and is often quoted in print publications, and is a regular guest on business television and radio. Previously, he was a Partner in PwC’s Financial Crimes Unit, specializing in AML and Sanctions compliance, and the Leader of the Global Sanctions Practice.
Daniel is a Partner in Oliver Wyman’s Risk and Public Policy Practice, where he leads the Anti-Financial Crime Practice for the Americas and serves as the firm’s Global Lead of Sanctions. Daniel provides regulatory crisis management support to global financial institutions including banks, broker dealers and money services businesses. He also provides strategic AML and Sanctions Compliance Program support during both program creation and remediation.
Click Here To View The Interview
During this interview Daniel and Dominic discuss…
– The challenges of transitioning from government and industry into the consulting sector.
– The significant differences working in a “Big Four” environment to a strategic consulting environment.
– When operating globally what are the biggest differences.
And finally, Daniel provides some advice for aspiring regulatory consultants.
Thank you Daniel, for your time, insights and advice.
Look out we will be publishing more interviews soon…